Monday, October 6, 2008

Personalized Diet Plan

I spent my whole life fat and trying to lose weight. I spent countless money on diet, pills, lotions anything that promised to lose weight.

Im so happy you found my blog not only will my story shock you, it will almost save your health, your money and also save you alot of time and heart ache.

I will tell you what diet and pills I tried over a 2 year period and how the failed me miserably. I tried south beach diet, atkins diet, jenny craig, weight watchers, hollywood celebrity diets, hydroxcut, hoodia, phentermine and other diet pills. None of them worked and most of the diet pill just make me sick.

After spending over $1000 I found a diet program called "Strip That Fat" that promised I can lose up to 2 pounds of pure fat a week with there personalized diet plan.

My name is Sandy Jameson and like so many people all over the world, I spent months desperately trying to lose weight.

I always had issues with my weight. As a child I was often teased and was usually the outcast at school. I never really had alot of friends and couldn't do the usual things that a teen would do, like hanging out at the movies, going on dates or playing sports. My weight really took toll on my social life.

Then Things Started To Get Worst.

I weighed over 300 pounds and still gaining. I couldn't do simple task like getting dress without losing my breathe. I was suffering from sleep apnea and I snored so loud I use to wake myself up.

I remember visiting a friend that lived in a second story brown stone. I had the most embarrassing moment in my life when I caught a asthma attack trying to go up the stairs.

That is when I knew things had to change. I was tired of not doing things I wanted to do! Tired of seeing myself and pictures and thanking "O MY GOD!" am I really that big! Tired of all the joint pains and knee pains I suffered from. Tired of going out and public and people staring at me like im some type of freak show.

This is when I went on my quest to lose weight.

In 2006 I started trying different pills and diets.

At the time, diet pills were the big fad and everyone was trying them.
I tried Hoodia and at first it worked I managed to lose 10 pounds but soon it made me very sick.

I was having really bad headaches, stomach issues, and menstrual side effects. So my doctor advised that I stop taking Hoodia.

A couple of weeks later I went back up to my normal weight. I do not recommend any of you guys to try and take any type of diet pills because the side effects can be horrible.

Then I tried all kinds of diet programs. Ones like south beach diet, counting carbs, low carbs, no carbs, atkins. These diets damn near drove me crazy with all the restrictions.

Couldn't eat this couldn't eat that, had to chart how many calories you intake. All of these things where to complicated for me to follow and I often fell of the bandwagon.

I was on my way of quitting everything.

Eventually, I found something that worked.

Then one day I was online searching and I came across a website that had the top online diets. And it rated this personalized diet plan called "Strip That Fat" number 1.

Here's why I recommend it.

This program wasn't like any other diet I tried. There where no restrictions involved no pressure. I didn't even have to exercise believe it or not. All I had to do is eat!

That's right, they automate the whole process for you. They give you a online diet generator that allows you to plug in different foods that you want to eat. Then it generates a 14 day diet plan that if you follow you will lose weight.

They also give you a printable grocery list that includes all the items you will need for the next 14 days.

By following this diet system I managed to lose over 170 pounds in just over 9 months. It was unbelievable, I can finally do all the things I wanted to do and the best part is all my aches and illness I was experiencing do to being overweight was gone.

I was able to go shopping a store I wanted to go shopping at. My social life began to blossom. I no longer dreaded going out in public to people staring at me.
So if you really want to lose weight I strongly recommend checking out Strip That Fat its the best investment I ever made in my life!

Sandy Jameson

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